Winter Down Under Talk: Tyler Easton

North East cricketer, Tyler Easton is another cricketer from the region who is playing club cricket during the winter months in Australia. Tyler is the final post covering “Winter Down Under talks” following coverage with Luke Henderson and Scott Steel.

Why did you want to go Australia?

I Wanted to play cricket in another country and experience a different culture, coming to Australia enabled me to do that.

So far how have you enjoyed your time Down Under?

Since coming to Australia in October,  I have enjoyed it, everyone has been friendly and welcoming – it’s been great fun.

Tyler Easton in action.

How are you finding it playing in Australia, while the Ashes is on?

You get a bit of stick and banter thrown at you being an English man over here.

And how are you finding it so playing in a different country?

The heat is one difference, playing in 35 to 40 degree heat is a real challenge and the pitches are a lot harder and bouncier.

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Tyler at a Big Bash Cricket game (Photo Tyler Easton)

What else have you been up to alongside cricket?

I have been working part time and recently tried kneeboarding and wakeboarding which I’m not very good at.

Have you any plans now for the rest of the summer?

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New Year in Melbourne (Photo Tyler Easton)

Yeah, I had a great time over Christmas and New Year in Melbourne. A few other plans include Australia Day, which should be good fun. I am also travelling in my final couple of weeks in New Zealand and around Sydney and any other places I can fit in.

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