Umpiring in South Africa Part 2: Harry Stephenson

Last week I caught up with North East Premier League Umpire Harry Stephenson about umpiring in South Africa. Today you can read part two of my interview with Harry.

Did you learn anything from your South African colleagues?

Spending time umpiring with colleagues from a different country was a very worthwhile and exciting experience. I had the pleasure of standing with umpires who were Level 3 and they shared with me their experiences of umpiring in South Africa which I found to be extremely useful and was hopefully able to add to my performance during last season. Things like positioning for certain scenarios and having the ability to improve my pre match and management of games was I believe very beneficial and hopefully I brought this improved knowledge to the NEPL last season. The standard of cricket was extremely high with many of the teams having ex international, provincial and players who had played professional club cricket in the UK.

What are the views like when you are standing in the middle?

I posted some of the views I had when standing at Square Leg on my Social Media sites. My view was looking directly on to Table Mountain one of the most iconic and photographed views in the world it was breathtaking. It took me all my time to remember that I was still umpiring. Jan my wife spent two happy Saturdays looking onto that view of Table Mountain.
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View from Square Leg (Photo Harry Stephenson Facebook)

Would you take the opportunity to umpire in South Africa again?

As a result of last seasons games I have been asked to officiate in more games when we return to Cape Town again in 2018. I hope from that,  that my performances were of the required standards. I officiated in the Western Province Premier League which is the highest standard for umpires not on International Duty in Cape Town. Also the umpires in the Western Province have a hospitality box at Newlands Cricket Ground and I look forward to visiting that. Perhaps it is something Durham County Cricket Club may consider one day. It would be a fantastic opportunity for colleagues from around the county to get together and enjoy a little bit something back from County Cricket. I appreciate this may be controversial but we keep hearing that there would be no game without umpires.

Western Province Cricket Logo

 What would you to say to someone looking go and umpire overseas?

My advice to any of our colleagues who have fancied umpiring in another country is do it. My experience has I believe certainly improved and enhanced my knowledge of the game and the role I play in the game of cricket as an umpire. Get in touch with Peter Brown he can arrange a game for you anywhere.

Thanks to Harry for this interview, I hope you all enjoyed reading about Harry’s experience umpiring in South Africa.


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