Top 5 Cricket Teas of Last Summer

As a cricket scorer, you always look forward to your tea, after a busy first few hours in the score box. Today I have decided to take a look over some of the best cricket teas I had last season. Something a bit different to what I normally post.

1 – Tynemouth Cricket Club

Tynemouth was by far the best tea I had last summer. Tynemouth offered a mince and dumpling dinner with mash potato, carrots and a range of other vegetables. Not only did they do a perfect main course but the lemon drizzle cake for desert, sealed it for me, topped with a nice cup of tea. Good job I wasn’t going out onto the field!!

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Tynemouth Cricket Club (Photo NEPL Facebook)

2 – Benwell Hill Cricket Club

Again similar to Tynemouth, Benwell Hill offered something different than the normal. I prefer these types of cricket teas to the regular buffet types. Benwell Hill offered sausage, gravy and mash and was absolutely lovely. Again the type of cricket tea you enjoy eating as it fills you up for the afternoon session in the score box.

3- Garon Park Cricket Club

When visiting Essex last season, I scored at Garon Park Cricket Club, in South End. When scoring at Garon Park, they ordered Dominos Pizzas for tea! It’s a good job us scorers get seen to first for a county game as twenty two, fifteen years old will demolish Dominos pizza in a flash. South End ordered a selection of different flavoured Dominos, and was something which I thought worked very well for a cricket tea. The likelihood is I wont be returning to South End next season, as I think my trip to Essex will take me to Billericay Cricket Club, but if I do, hopefully a Dominos Pizza is waiting on the table for me.

Garon Park, Southend-on-Sea, Essex (Photo Sam Blacklock)

4 – Mainsforth Cricket Club

If you ever score at Mainsforth Cricket Club on a Sunday, you are in for a treat. Mainsforth offer a full Sunday lunch, which is very tasty. What I enjoy most about Mainsforth Cricket Club’s Sunday dinner is the roast beef they do with the puddings. This was a great change, and tasted really good. Unfortunately Mainsforth got relegated from my league last summer, so I wont be tucking into a Mainsforth Sunday dinner anytime soon. But hopefully I will be in the near future.

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Mainsforth Cricket Club pavilion (Photo Durham Cricket Board)

5 – Denby Cricket Club

The final club in my top five cricket teas of 2017 is Denby Cricket Club. I scored at Denby last season when Durham Emerging Players went up against Derbyshire Mini Academy in a two-day game to end the season. On day 1, Denby went to a local fish shop for our tea. We had a choice of what we wanted and I thought this was a great idea, nice and easy and was delicious. Also Denby have a “signature” desert – this was unbelievable, a home-made trifle with custard, sponge and jam which I believe they serve at every game. It it hard to describe but was great to eat.  Durham are heading back to Denby in August 2018, so that should be a fixture to look forward to.

Denby Cricket Club (Photo Denby twitter account)

You can see the thoughts of some umpires, scorers and players below. Thanks to everyone who replied to my tweet.  As you will probably tell there are two cricket teas that stand out from the tweets I received.

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